What's Included?
- 2 foursomes
- 8 mulligans
- Hole sponsorship
- Logo on website
- Table signage at dinner
- Full-page ad in event program
- Verbal recognition at dinner
- Mention in social media
- Logo on 144 Dixon Spirit golf balls distributedto all tournament players
- Meals, a custom baseball cap, and goodies for your team
Tournament Details
Date: Thursday, June 12th, 2025
Where: Brookmeadow Country Club - 100 Everendon Rd, Canton, MA 02021
Check-In / Breakfast - 7:15AM
Tee Off - 8:00 AM
Dinner – around 3:00PM
Tommy's Friends
After your purchase, we'll reach out and ask you to provide your player names and a company logo in JPEG or PNG format. You have until May 18th to provide us with this information.
Questions? Contact Tucker Olen / tuckero@olynroofing.com